Friday, April 29, 2011

Chocolate and Hazelnut Cake and one important birthday

It was M.'s Birthday and I couldn't offer him any present… so I decided to try to make at least a cake. He helped a lot, all chopping was done by him, and he spent a lot of time on that… but the effort was really worth. The cake was great... flour-less, with a lot of chocolate, with crunchy hazelnut and chocolate bits on top.

Era o Aniversário do M. e eu não podia oferecer-lhe nenhum presente… por isso decidi tentar fazer-lhe pelo menos um bolo. Ele ajudou bastante, fez toda a parte de picar e esmagar, e gastou muito tempo nisso… mas o esforço valeu realmente a pena. O bolo ficou fantástico... sem farinha, com muito chocolate, com avelãs crocantes e os bocadinhos de chocolate por cima.


  1. nice new site and yummy cake sanda :)

  2. Thanks Nicole!!This comment coming from you means a LOT!!! :-)

  3. Tem um aspecto absolutamente delicioso!! =)
    Vou tentar traduzir para o fazer ;)
