Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Apple and Plum Galette

I am trying to introduce more gluten free flours and grains into our daily life and I must confess that I'm struggling a bit. Do you have some tips? Am I missing something here?

I find gluten free flours difficult to work with, but sometimes a way to learn is to make errors and learn from them and that is the phase that I am in. I had several 'disaster trials', until Sunday I finally made something I was happy with.


Estou a tentar introduzir mais farinhas e grãos sem glúten na nossa vida diária e devo confessar que estou a ter alguns problemas. Têm algumas dicas? Está-me a faltar alguma coisa?

Acho as farinhas sem glúten difíceis de trabalhar mas, às vezes, uma maneira de aprender é a cometer erros e a aprender com eles e essa é a fase em que estou agora. Tive vários 'testes desastrosos', até que no Domingo finalmente fiz algo com o qual estou feliz.

Apple and Plum Galette

3/4 cup brown rice flour
1/4 cup corn starch
2/4 cup buckwheat flour
110 g cold unsalted butter, cut in a small cubes
1 egg yolk
4 ts sugar
1/8 ts salt
2 medium apples, peeled and thinly sliced
2 medium plums, peeled and thinly sliced
1 tbs sugar
1ts cinnamon
1ts cardamom

Combine rice flour,corn starch,buckwheat flout,sugar and salt and add butter cubes. Mix until you get sand consistence. Add egg yolk and mix.
Take your dough onto work surface and form a disk. Leave in fridge for 1 hour.
Dust working surface with rice flour and place dough on top,roll it and transfer to a baking sheet. Mix sliced apples and plums with sugar and spiced and arrange them in the centre of the dough leaving an edge of 5cm. Fold the edges over the fruits. Place galette into the fridge for about 30min.
Preheat your oven to 180C.
Bake galette for 30 min until crust is golden and fruits baked.
Let it cool.


  1. i don't think you're missing something.... i think wheat substitutes are just incredibly difficult to use in baked goods. i used a gluten-free diet for a few months, and i absolutely hated all of the gluten substitutes made into baked goods. i should have tried this, though! the galette looks delicious!

  2. looks delicious. a friend of mine experimented for ever with all sorts of flour, she says adding xantham gum helps, it replaces the gluten. you can buy it in health food stores. good luck!

  3. o blog La Tartine Gourmande tem muitas receitas de bolos sem glúten. Eu experimentei vários e quase todos sairam muito muito bons.
    Ela usa uma imensidão de farinhas, incluindo uma de castanha, óptima!
    Boa sorte!

  4. Bea@Thanks!!
    Sneaky Magpie@I have xanthan,I may try to use it
    Ghibli@O problem nao é falta das receitas,problema é receitas nao sair muito bem :-)

  5. I haven't worked much with gluten free flours, just a couple of times. But this galette looks wonderful

  6. THis galette definitely looks delicious! love the fruits combination!

  7. Beautiful pictures - can't wait to hear how you do with gluten free!

  8. Looks wonderful and very delicious, thank you for sharing


  9. Descobri este blog agora e devo dizer que fiquei simplesmente encantada.
    Esta galette parece-me fabulosa, com um aspeto rustico muito atraente.

  10. Here in our country it's quite hard to find different kind of flour....even brown rice flour...I must take a look in our groceries...
    Galette looks fantastic! So does the photos :).

  11. Sugiro-te este livro de que gosto muito e vem repleto de boas sugestões com farinhas variadas:

    A galette está perfeita. :)

  12. com as couves do Bordalo ficam ainad melhores :)
