Friday, September 14, 2012

Chocolate need and Pinterest inspiratios

As some of you may remember, I have a lot of food intolerance and, the one with which I have most problems, is intolerance to cocoa.
What does that mean? It means no chocolate in my life. And that is something very difficult to deal with.

I am thinking of experimenting with carob powder (and in the case it gets ok, I will share it with you). But, until then, I can just cry over chocolate inspirations on my pinterest board.
If you try some of these, please let me know how it went.


Como alguns de vocês se devem lembrar, eu tenho bastantes intolerâncias alimentares e, aquela com a qual tenho mais problemas, é a intolerância a cacau.
O que é que isso significa? Significa nada de chocolate na minha vida. E isso é algo muito difícil de lidar.

Estou a pensar em experimentar com alfarroba em pó (e no caso de ficar bem, vou partilhar convosco). Mas, até lá, só posso chorar com as inspirações de chocolate no meu board do Pinterest.
Se experimentarem alguma destas, por favor digam-me como ficou.


  1. i think i would be miserable without chocolate in my life.
    But it's also true, that sometimes to replace chocolate i make cookies with carob flour, and they taste so good, and really look like true chocolate. :)
    So go ahead, i exciting to see those wonderful results of your carob experience! :)

  2. I can´t live without chocolate. It´s comforting, antidepressive, makes me happy, makes me sing....I love it with milk, without it, with the morning....after the cinema....when it´s hot, when it´s cold, when it´s pouring rain...WHAT CAN I SAY???...
    Thanks for allow me to enjoy it at least on these beautiful pictures.
    Love from Spain

  3. An intolerance to chocolate?!?! I just can't imagine. And I thought my lactose intolerance was bad enough!

  4. well not being able to eat chocolate is something that would be really hard for me, because i love chocolate, i love to eat and there are only a few things that i absolutely dislike in food (like beet). but these images... what are these??? AMAZING and looking so delicious!!!

  5. Sanda,
    I just know what you are talking about. I'm also living without chocolate ... and it's not fun...but I feel better if I don't eat it and then I don't miss it so much either.. Sometimes I can take small bite but nothing more. I use to eat it a lot. Like drink milk...not any more. But really nice pics you have there...Coffee, Frangelico, Chocolate Meringue Gateaux ...that looks so delicious!!! And good luck with food photo selling, they are great!

    1. Oh..I also don't eat it,I can't..but I miss it so much!!
