Thursday, September 22, 2011

Labneh and Flat Bread

I have to admit that I've never heard about labneh before, until Tamara introduced it to me. I mean, my mum used to do something like that for us, that we called 'fresh cheese', and I loved to eat it with hot bread.

Labneh can be made with different flavours and can be kept in jars with olive oil. It really depends on your imagination.

I made mine with lemon and oregano and we ate it with flat bread.
Next time I will make a different one and continue until I'm done with all kind of variations I can think of {*smile}.

It is really simple to make... some fat yogurt and salt left overnight in a sieve (which is placed over one bowl), small balls made after 24h and left in the jar filled with olive oil, lemon rind and pepper.

Easy to make and perfect as a spread on bread, with some herbs or nuts and salad.

Tenho de admitir que nunca tinha ouvido falar de labneh até a Tamara me falar dele. Quero dizer, a minha mãe costumava fazer-nos algo parecido, que chamamos 'queijo fresco', e eu gostava de comer com pão quente.

O labneh pode ser feito com diferentes sabores e pode ser mantido em frascos com azeite. Só depende da sua imaginação.

Fiz a minha com limão e orégão e comemos com pão achatado.
Na próxima vez vou fazer um diferente e continuar até que tenha feito todo o tipo de variações que posso imaginar {*smile}.

É realmente simples de fazer... um pouco de iogurte gordo e sal deixado durante a noite numa peneira (que é colocado sobre um recipiente), pequenas bolas feitas após 24h e deixa-se num frasco cheio de azeite, casca de limão e pimenta.

Fácil de fazer e perfeito para barrar no pão, com algumas ervas ou nozes e salada.


  1. A delicious treat! I love labneh. It goes so well with flatbread, za'atar and olive oil.



  2. Sanda, this is perfect! I'm so glad you made it and really hope you liked the cheese :) Photography is gorgeous. Thank you!

  3. Labneh..sinds I discovered it I always eat it..wit..flat bread:))

  4. Beautiful! I'm totally inspired.

  5. Thank you girls!!!These comments mean a lot!!

  6. I must say I adore your photos. So real, so wonderful. Light is just perfect. May I ask what camera/lenses do you use? Great job!


  7. Thank you so much.I use Canon 500D and 50mm or 18-55mm.
