Monday, February 8, 2010


Saturday morning was a time of flyers distribution.I went together with my princess to the ‘main’ points of interest in my neighbourhood to leave flyers.
It was really funny to see her, she was really embarrassed at first but at the end she was saying to everybody ‘If you want some great cakes, you can find here my mother’s phone number and don’t hesitate to call.’
We had a lot of fun!!!
So ... I have an official PR of my project :-)


  1. hehehe, "do not hesitate to call" You've got yourself the best possible PR :-)

  2. Sanda, odlicna ti je ovo ideja -- najvise mi se svidja sto ti je projekat vrlo "koherentan"; sve se nekako uklapa: i tvoj licni zivot, i kreativna energija, i smisao za estetiku.
    (a naravno, vrlo je pohvalno sto "zaposljavas" svoje ljude da obavljaju distribuciju i PR :-).

  3. Hvala Tijana!!!Trenutno me moj mali privatni projekt bas usrecuje :-)

  4. Great!! Good luck : )
    Hana is a coocking helper as well??
